“Refactoring and Test Optimization of Complex Monolithic Application with Hexagonal Architecture Integration”
Expected short and mid-term responsibilities:
- full-stack development (mostly backend + DB schema extension when needs), comparing to backend, our UI is simple. On UI we have OpenUI5 framework, you don't need to have an experience with it, but JavaScript and jQuery experience is required.
- bugfix, feature development, refactoring of existing code when it's required (to continuously learn business logic and codebase of the app to be able to handle more context-dependent tasks)
Expected mid-term and long-term responsibilities:
- participation in e2e development of the new functionality: requirements gathering - design - implementation. Alone or together with teammates.
- participation in decision making on the project
- participation in technical support of our clients
You must have a fluent level in English and experience in the following concepts/methodologies/technologies:
- Hexagonal architecture
- Design patterns (GoF and, ideally, EAI)
- Spring Framework + Spring Boot
- JUnit 5, Mockito
- MyBatis (or another ORM) + fundamental SQL knowledge
- Apache Camel (or another similar integration framework like Spring Integration) We use Git as VCS on a project, and Gradle as a build system so it's also required to have experience with them.
Also would be good bonus:
- EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) background
- CI/CD DevOps instruments, practical experience with their usage
- Team leading experience